Submit your organisation – IWEP2017

This is the form that lets you submit your organisation to Index of Workplace Equality in Poland 2017. This is the final step in your submission process.

The submission form can be found here [DOCX]. Download the form to your computer and fill it out carefully.

Please make sure to download our Pro Diversity IWEP 2017 Guidance [pdf]. This is the tool designed to help you go through the submission form easily.

Once you’ve completed filling out your submission form and gathered all the attachments, create a „compressed folder” oraz simply a ZIP file. If you don’t know how to do that, please refer to Windows help topic here.

You ZIP file shouldn’t be larger than 80 MB. If you’re file is bigger than 80 MB, please contact us via

Please choose the fil on your computer using „Choose a file” button. Fill out the fields below – make sure you’re e-mail address is correct. Once completed, press „Send file” button below. Wait until the green message „Your files has been uploaded! Thank you.” will appear. Do on’t close the window before that.
Once the green confirmation message is visible, you can leave the page. You submission is completed.


Send you ZIP file here

If you have any technical difficulties, please contact us via