Top 50 OUTstanding in Business List

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) professional executive network OUT-Standing In Business teamed up with The Financial Times this week to release a list of the 50 most powerful openly LGBT leaders in the corporate world.


The “Top 50 OUTstanding in Business List” compilation provides not only an interesting perspective into the role of LGBT individuals in the cutthroat business world, but also some of the most powerful and influential members of the LGBT community.

Organizers reportedly aggregated the list through a social media campaign that asked for nominations from the business world. Each individual in the list had to to evidence their credentials through five separate criteria: leadership, being a role model, contribution, success, and making a difference.

Check out the first ten people to top the list below, and then head on over to OUT-Standing’s website to see others who made the cut.

1. Antonio Simoes — HSBC
Head UK and Head of Retail Banking and Wealth Management Europe, HSBC.

2. Beth Brooke — EY
Global Vice Chair, Public Policy

3. Paul Reed — BP IST

4. Joseph Evangelisti — JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Chief Communications Officer

5. Lord Allen of Kensington — 2 Sisters Food Group, ISS, Global Radio, Endemol

6. Claudia Brind-Woody — IBM
Vice President & Managing Director, Global Intellectual Property Licensing

7. Colin Walsh — AMEX
Executive VP, Proprietary Card Services

8. Robert Hanson — American Eagle Outfitters

9. Anthony Watson — Barclays Bank PLC
Managing Director & Chief Information Officer, Europe Middle East Retail & Business Banking

10. Mary Jo Abler — 3M Unitek

For the full list check out either OUT-Standing’s website or The Financial Times.